rel="canonical" Made in....? | Anti-counterfeit and Product Serialization Services

Made in....?

Brand identification, Legal distribution, Quality and Proof of origin are only some of the key factors that lead customers to buy certain products against others. Protecting and identifying the origin of any product is key to quality. We at Validactor have deployed a set of functions to clearly identify each product origin. Customers will be able to clearly identify with no doubt the origin of any Validactor enabled product with the simple scan of a graphic code.

Italian Food, French perfumes, USA Apparel, Canadian Maple Syrup, Japanese tools or German opticals are only few of the product Validactor protects and identifies.

Validactor is not only anti-counterfeit, it delivers many additional features such as product traceability, brand protection, bid data analysis, product's flagging, social networking, sales front-store, advanced marketing techniques, "Made in" management.

For more information get in touch with us via


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