Clicky Archives for September 2017 | Anticontraffazione - Protezione brand e prodotti, serializzazione prodotti

Book the dates: 8-12 October in Dubai

The date is approaching, book the date to visit the 37th GITEX Technology Week in Dubai. This year there is one more reason: Validactor is present in the New Zabeel Hall (Stand M7-0X)

Do not miss it. We look forward seeing you


iOS App 2.0 released

We are pleased to announce the release of the 2.0 Version of the Validactor consumer App. This version has gone under a major redesign including a totally new user experience and new functionalities such as VAPoints management, Product history and the support for three languages, English Italian and German. The App is fully compatible with iOS 11.

The app can be downloaded on the Apple store


Validactor is a fast growing company, fully devoted to fight the counterfeit businesses, the fakes markets and any kind of adulteration potentially causing a threat to customers. We fight this battle empowering both manufacturers and final customers with a full set of easy-to-use and easy-to-implement tools. Any kind of smartphone is the most powerful weapon to win this battle.

The Product Portal

"Validactor is a full suite of tools and services comprising pure anti-counterfeit technology, product tracking, product flagging, recall and stolen products management, Big Data analysis and more. Almost countless services are present within the entire Validactor suite.

One of them, the Product Portal is not only a selling tool, instead it is a fully blown social network focused on products and on their relation with the customers. Here products may talk to each other, share comments, group each other according to customers needs and habits, to geography and markets" said today Dino Sergiano of Validactor at a food consortium in Italy.

"We are developing tools and algorithms capable of exploring new ways of customer interactions with manufacturers and of course with products. The web is crowded of selling portals, aggregators and webstores, at Validactor we are placing the products at the center of the stage. The products listed in our portal, once being "Validactor Enabled" gain a privileged status that allows interactions never explored before" added Dino.


"The powerful serialization technology used by Validactor ensure a clear and secure identification of each product. This allows customized services pointed directly to the specific items. Supposing you - the customer - are allergic to nuts, when buying a product containing nuts, the product itself will warn you of possible allergic reaction. This is something completely new in the customer focused web-services arena" concluded Dino.


Validactor is a fast growing company, fully devoted to fight the counterfeit businesses, the fakes markets and any kind of adulteration potentially causing a threat to customers. We fight this battle empowering both manufacturers and final customers with a full set of easy-to-use and easy-to-implement tools. Any kind of smartphone is the most powerful weapon to win this battle.

Validactor "Point of Sale" Specific Apps Updated

Yesterday we have released updated versions of the Validactor "Point of Sale" Apps.

This release includes minor fixes and increased user experience.



Validactor is a fast growing company, fully devoted to fight the counterfeit businesses, the fakes markets and any kind of adulteration potentially causing a threat to customers. We fight this battle empowering both manufacturers and final customers with a full set of easy-to-use and easy-to-implement tools. Any kind of smartphone is the most powerful weapon to win this battle.

Validactor 2.0 Android App Released

"It is with pleasure that I announce that today we released a new and totally redesigned Validactor App". This new version is available on the Google Play store and includes the following features:
1. The app has been completely redesigned
2. Better readability
3. VAPoints management added
4. Track your purchases and warranty cards
5. Edit your profile from the app
6. Multilingual (ENG-ITA-GER)
7. Better User experience

"This release is a major milestone towards Validactor worldwide diffusion. Our development efforts continue by improving the entire suite on a weekly basis" said Mr. Dibyendu Biswas - Director of IT Services - at a press conference today.

"Our vision is to provide serialization service to any product available in order to fight the fakes market and avoid food adulteration. Our efforts include a totally free offering to worldwide startups and to developing countries companies" added Dibyendu.

The iOS version of the Validactor 2.0 app will be released in the next 2-3 days.


Validactor is a fast growing company, fully devoted to fight the counterfeit businesses, the fakes markets and any kind of adulteration potentially causing a threat to customers. We fight this battle empowering both manufacturers and final customers with a full set of easy-to-use and easy-to-implement tools. Any kind of smartphone is the most powerful weapon to win this battle.

Thank you iOS 11

One of the more hidden features Apple added in its just released iOS 11 is the ability to scan QR codes without the need for a third-party app.

This is very important for Validactor enabled products. Customers do not need anymore any third party QRCode scanner to read the secure - product unique - serialized VACodes, it will be sufficient to point and click using the iPhone camera, iOS will do the trick by recognising the code and opening the relevant data securely stored on the Validactor platform.
So the next time you're shopping and want to be sure that you are buying an original product and want to know its characteristics, pull out your iPhone, open the Camera app and point it at the Validactor VACode, iOS will do the rest.

"This new feature introduced by Apple is a clear signal that the Validactor technological approach for fighting counterfeits is the right one. Mass product serialization using quick access graphic codes is the right way to combat this war" said Mrs Dorothea Bousek, Head of Communications for the North Europe Area, "Our commitment toward customer security and our efforts for better manufacturer-customer relations are our main priority" added Dorothea.


Validactor is a fast growing company, fully devoted to fight the counterfeit businesses, the fakes markets and any kind of adulteration potentially causing a threat to customers. We fight this battle empowering both manufacturers and final customers with a full set of easy-to-use and easy-to-implement tools. Any kind of smartphone is the most powerful weapon to win this battle.

Dino Sergiano

Allergens are dangerous

A food allergy is a reaction to a protein in food. Symptoms can range from mild discomfort to a potentially life- threatening reaction like anaphylaxis (where a person’s windpipe swells and they can’t breathe).
Foods that most frequently cause allergic reactions include wheat, shell sh, eggs, sh, milk, tree nuts, sesame seeds, peanuts and soybeans, as well as products made from these foods. More than 90 percent of serious reactions are caused by these foods.

In total there are about 160 known foods that can cause allergic reactions. These foods include kiwifruit, avocado, banana, legumes (chickpeas, beans, lentils, peas etc), spices (e.g. mustard seed and poppy seed) and others.


Most pre-packaged foods that contain the most common food allergens must declare them in their list of ingredients.
These allergens are:
• wheat;
• crustacea and crustacea products (crab, prawn, cray sh);
• eggs and egg products;
• sh and sh products (including shell sh);
• milk and milk products;
• peanuts and soybeans (including their products);
• tree nuts and sesame seeds and their products.

If you prepare food, such as a sandwich, or cook a dish to order, you should be able to identify what has gone into it. Use the recipe, ingredient labels and information provided by your suppliers to understand what allergens may be present.
Even tiny amounts of a food allergen may trigger a severe reaction. So, make sure there are no trace amounts present from cross-contamination – from food surfaces, utensils and equipment used for other dishes.

Validactor enabled products clearly lists any contained allergen. The list of any allergen present is just a tap away. When checking the characteristics of any Validactor enabled product make sure you tap on the Allergen list to verify your allergies.

Validactor does more, once you are registered, Validactor reminds your allergies and anytime you buy any product with allergens will warn you of any possible risk for your health.

• Oil used for frying (or curing the pan) might contain food allergens.
• Check the ingredient list of pre-prepared ingredients such as thickeners, stocks and dressings.
• Foods containing allergens are not always obvious. For example, praline and nougat contain nuts, and hummus usually contains tahini, which is made from sesame seeds.
• Check garnishes are safe to use.
• Make sure whoever prepares food understands there may be other names associated with food allergens, such as milk products labelled as whey.
• You can’t simply take out the pieces of food allergen in the food that you can see – traces can still remain.


Validactor info on Corporate Website

Validactor is a fast growing company, fully devoted to fight the counterfeit businesses, the fakes markets and any kind of adulteration potentially causing a threat to customers. We fight this battle empowering both manufacturers and final customers with a full set of easy-to-use and easy-to-implement tools. Any kind of smartphone can become the most powerful weapon to win this battle.

Us Here

excerpts taken from

A sneak-preview of the Validactor 2.0 App

The soon-to-be-released Android (and IOS of course) Validactor 2.0 App ha reached the final stages of the testing phase.

This is the first image of the main page released to public.


The overall user experience has been dramatically improved with color visual aids and specific sections.

Stay tuned, and keep in touch by registering here


Validactor info on Corporate Website

Validactor is a fast growing company, fully devoted to fight the counterfeit businesses, the fakes markets and any kind of adulteration potentially causing a threat to customers. We fight this battle empowering both manufacturers and final customers with a full set of easy-to-use and easy-to-implement tools. Any kind of smartphone can become the most powerful weapon to win this battle.

Us Here

[ITALIAN] Programma Fedeltà di Validactor, una novità assoluta

Validactor sta introducendo sempre più novità nel modo di fare acquisti. Dopo aver puntato inizialmente alla crescita della sensibilità dei consumatori nei confronti della qualità, dell’autenticità e della corretta distribuzione dei prodotti, Validactor è ora pronto ad offrire alla propria clientela un programma di raccolta punti fedeltà del tutto nuovo.

Attualmente tutti i programmi di fidelizzazione clienti sono gestiti dai POS, dai negozi, dalle catene di distribuzione o persino dagli stessi produttori.

I programmi di fidelizzazione istituiti dalle case produttrici hanno un campo d’applicazione piuttosto ristretto. I clienti, infatti, accumulano punti fedeltà solo acquistando prodotti di una stessa marca. Il difetto di questo sistema è lampante se pensiamo agli articoli di lusso: quanti articoli di lusso, di una stessa marca, vengono acquistati normalmente da un unico cliente?

Soffermiamoci ora un attimo sul meccanismo alla base delle raccolte punti fedeltà istituite dalle grosse catene di distribuzione, quali i supermercati. In questo caso l’accumulo di punti è legato alla quantità di prodotti acquistati. Più spendi, più guadagni punti! Questo sistema costringe il consumatore ad acquisti forzati, spesso di marchi del supermercato, allo scopo di totalizzare i punti necessari per ottenere premi o buoni sconto da spendere all’interno del supermercato stesso. L’anomalia di questo sistema è che il consumatore non è incoraggiato a “scegliere” il prodotto che preferisce.

Partendo proprio da questa riflessione, Validactor ha introdotto un sistema che fuoriesce da questi schemi. Il Programma Fedeltà di Validactor associa l’accumulo di punti – i VAPoint - al prodotto specifico e offrirà ai propri clienti la possibilità di convertire i punti in denaro, ed eventualmente di trasferirlo addirittura sul proprio conto bancario.

In poche parole, è il produttore all’origine ad assegnare un determinato numero di punti ad un prodotto. Acquistando quel prodotto, in un qualunque punto vendita oppure online e con qualunque metodo di pagamento, l’acquirente guadagnerà i punti ad esso associati. Pensiamo, ad esempio, di essere abituati a consumare una particolare marca di Pasta. Se il produttore ha assegnato dei VAPoint a quella marca, il consumatore che acquisterà quell’articolo in qualunque punto vendita si vedrà accreditare i relativi punti fedeltà sul proprio account Validactor.

Questo tipo di transazione non passa dal distributore poiché è il produttore stesso a gestirla. Il valore di un VAPoint è identico in tutto il mondo, così da non creare discrepanze tra i diversi mercati. L’unica cosa che può variare è il numero di VAPoint assegnati al prodotto.

La App Validactor riporta il numero di VAPoint accumulati ed il valore totale corrente.

Un altro vantaggio di questo sistema è che i clienti Validactor possono usare i VAPoint per fare altri acquisti, in qualsiasi punto vendita aderente.

Non è fantastico? Rimani in contatto, ti aggiorneremo sulle novità che man mano introdurremo!

Introducing VAPoints

Validactor is changing step by step the way people buy goods. Starting from rising consumers’ consciousness on product’s quality, originality and correct distribution, we are now about to release a totally new way to collect fidelity (rewarding) points from the products people buy.

Until today all the loyalty programs are issued by POS, Stores, Distribution Chains or even by the manufacturers themselves.

Loyalty programs issued by manufacturers offer an extremely limiting scenario as customers accumulate loyalty points only against products of the same brand. Think of a major luxury garment maker: customers will accumulate loyalty points only buying products of that specific brand. The question is: “How many luxury dresses you normally buy from a single manufacturer?”

Or, think of loyalty programs issued by distribution chains, as -for example- supermarkets. In this case customers accumulate loyalty points for any good purchased within that supermarket chain. This is normally an accumulation of loyalty points based on the amount spent rather than on the products they like.

V app icon1024x1024 copy
Validactor had the mindset of building a loyalty program that stands out, by removing any boundaries and limits. Validactor loyalty program provides its customers with the opportunity to earn points – called VAPoints – and to convert them into real money, even transferable to their bank account.

Basically, Validactor’s VAPoints are assigned to the product itself, regardless of the country, payment modality and online or offline shopping method. Let’s suppose you are fond of pasta – and more precisely of a specific pasta brand. Wherever you buy that specific brand of pasta (in whichever point of sale), the amount of VAPoints originally assigned by the manufacturer to that product will be credited to your Validactor account.

This is a distributor-free transaction since the VAPoints are issued by the manufacturer. Single VAPoint value is identical worldwide, this assures consistency across different markets. Only the number of assigned VAPoints may vary.

The Validactor App reports the number and the total current value of the accumulated VAPoints.

Customers can then use their VAPoints to pay other purchases and buy services or they can even decide to cash that amount in.

It is great! Isn’t? Stay tuned…


Validactor info on Corporate Website

Validactor is a fast growing company, fully devoted to fight the counterfeit businesses, the fakes markets and any kind of adulteration potentially causing a threat to customers. We fight this battle empowering both manufacturers and final customers with a full set of easy-to-use and easy-to-implement tools. Any kind of smartphone can become the most powerful weapon to win this battle.

Us Here

[ITALIAN] Il Vino contraffatto si può evitare

Si parla tantissimo di falsificazioni e adulterazioni alimentari e non passa giorno che si appalesino sui mercati prodotti falsificati. Il "Made in Italy" tutto è nel mirino di falsificatori di tutto il mondo che con le loro illecite attività arrecano danni ingentissimi alle imprese italiane e all'Italia oltre che al mondo intero.

Eppure, per combattere efficacemente questa piaga è possibile utilizzare la serializzazione interattiva dei prodotti; in pratica assegnare un codice unico a ciascun prodotto, come se fosse la targa di un'automobile, e dare la possibilità agli utenti di verificare con il proprio smartphone la qualità, le caratteristiche e ogni sorta di informazione sul prodotto che si intende acquistare - non genericamente - ma proprio quel prodotto che magari si sta guardando sullo scaffale del supermercato.

Conoscere in tempo reale se un prodotto è stato richiamato, se è un prodotto distribuito correttamente, se ci sono punti fedeltà associati o se magari contiene degli allergeni per noi pericolosi.

Tutto questo è ora possibile ed a costo zero.

IMG_2233Ecco una schermata *di esempio* di come potrebbe essere identificato un vino. Le informazioni che vengono memorizzate sono a discrezione del produttore e non sono vincolate ad alcun formato.


Provi a fare la scansione di questo ipotetico codice assegnato a questo ipotetico vino (che chiaramente non è in commercio)

Può utilizzare una qualsiasi App in grado di leggere QRCode oppure scarichi un'app gratuita di Validactor sullo Store di Android o sull'App store di Apple.


Serializzando i prodotti nessun contraffattore potrà replicare quel codice e i prodotti senza codici Validactor saranno di fatto fuori dai mercati.

La tecnologia Validactor può proteggere qualsiasi tipo di prodotto sia esso alimentare o non, grande o piccolo e sopratutto non è una soluzione rivolta esclusivamente alle grandi aziende ma anche la piccola azienda locale produttrice di un numero limitato unità può utilizzare con vantaggio Validactor che non è solo anticontraffazione, ma anche gestione dei richiami, gestione dei furti, profilazione della clientela, fidelizzazione e molto moltissimo altro.

Ci dica cosa ne pensa, clicchi qui

[ITALIAN] Acquista in sicurezza, con un clic!

Potremmo mai acquistare un’automobile o una motocicletta senza che questa abbia la sua targa? Impossibile!

Il punto è: perché non funziona allo stesso modo per ogni genere di prodotto che si desidera acquistare? Non ci sentiremmo più tranquilli se di ogni articolo sul mercato potessimo conoscerne data e luogo di produzione, caratteristiche specifiche, data di scadenza o altro, o se potessimo addirittura verificare l’autenticità di un prodotto prima dell’acquisto o ancora – una volta acquistato – se potessimo essere informati di qualunque variazione che lo renda un oggetto non più fruibile o sicuro?
Pensiamo a ciò che mangiamo! Non vorremmo avere la certezza che si tratti sempre di cibi genuini e di qualità? Ci sentiamo totalmente al sicuro dalla minaccia ormai costante dell’immissione di cibi contraffatti sui mercati di tutto il mondo?
Sia che si tratti di omogeneizzati, di acqua minerale, di capi d’abbigliamento, di pezzi di ricambio per auto, non possiamo avere mai la certezza che ciò che acquistiamo sia originale e quindi sicuro per la nostra salute.
Ma proprio noi, i consumatori, gli utenti finali, quelli che acquistano beni di consumo praticamente tutti i giorni e desiderano usarli spensieratamente, proprio per questo motivo abbiamo il dovere di investigare per primi sulla qualità dei nostri acquisti.
La serializzazione è l’unico processo che può salvaguardare il consumatore dall’imbattersi in merce contraffatta. Pensiamo nuovamente all’esempio delle automobili: ogni auto prodotta viene serializzata in quanto le viene assegnata una targa prima di essere immessa in circolazione. Ogni auto ha la sua targa che è composta da una serie di cifre o una combinazione di lettere e cifre, in grado di identificare in modo univoco il veicolo.
In maniera del tutto analoga, ogni prodotto “protetto da Validactor” viene contrassegnato da un QRCode che lo identifica in maniera unica ed inequivocabile. Con una semplice scansione del QRCode, l’acquirente accede ai dati sul prodotto specifico, venendo così a conoscenza delle caratteristiche del prodotto, della sua provenienza, data di produzione, di scadenza e altre informazioni. Questi dati sono custoditi in un database Cloud-based estremamente sicuro e potente. Ogni genere di prodotto può essere protetto da Validactor. Oltre ad avere accesso al database, l’utente Validactor rimane in stretto contatto con la casa produttrice e riceve notifiche per tutta la vita del prodotto acquistato, riguardo, ad esempio, a richiami, date di scadenza, sconti, punti fedeltà ed altre interazioni possibili tra cliente e produttore.

Validactor ti offre questo e anche di più a costo zero! Proteggi la tua salute con un semplice clic!


Validactor info on 
Corporate Website

Validactor is a fast growing company, fully devoted to fight the counterfeit businesses, the fakes markets and any kind of adulteration potentially causing a threat to customers. We fight this battle empowering both manufacturers and final customers with a full set of easy-to-use and easy-to-implement tools. Any kind of smartphone can become the most powerful weapon to win this battle.

Dino Sergiano
Us Here


The list of categories of products Validactor is able to protect is extremely long and comprehensive. The list includes Perishable, Non Perishable and Service products including but not limited to Wine, Oil, Organic Food, Pasta, Cosmetics, Drugs, Baby Stuff, Clothing, Handbags, Musical Instruments, Tickets, Toys, Electronics, Shoes. Take a look at the full list in the next image.


Validactor is a marketing and protection group of services able to virtually protect any product or ticketed service.


Validactor info on 
Corporate Website

Validactor is a fast growing company, fully devoted to fight the counterfeit businesses, the fakes markets and any kind of adulteration potentially causing a threat to customers. We fight this battle empowering both manufacturers and final customers with a full set of easy-to-use and easy-to-implement tools. Any kind of smartphone can become the most powerful weapon to win this battle.

Dino Sergiano
Us Here

Know what you buy, with a click!

Could you buy a car or a motorbike without its license number? I honestly doubt it!

Also, why should you buy products with no registration number? Wouldn’t it be better if you could know your products’ origin, features, manufacturing and expiration dates and, moreover, if you could check their validity and history before you purchase them?


Think about what you eat! Do you trust the quality and origin of the food you buy? Do you feel totally safe? What about the garments? Are they original or made with contaminated and low-quality components? What about car spare parts? Are those brake pads you recently replaced original or are they counterfeited and made with some look-a-like cardboard mixture?

In short, as consumers, we are entitled to know the exact origin and the quality and safety of anything we buy, regardless of its price, kind and size.

The process, which clearly and uniquely identifies each single product we buy, is called serialization. As well as each car is serialized by its license plate, each “Validactor Enabled” product is clearly marked by a QRCode that leads to product’s specific data, safely stored in a Cloud database. The process works the same for whatever product, from a pack of sugar, to a jacket, a bottle of wine or a luxury item.

Any user can easily scan this QRCode and get real time access to the product’s data. Moreover, once the item has been purchased, the customer will be in direct touch with the manufacturing company and will receive any important notifications about the product, such as recalls, expiration dates, discounts, and many innovative customer-to-manufacturer interactions.

All this and much more at no cost. Your health and safety is just a click away.


Validactor info on 
Corporate Website

Validactor is a fast growing company, fully devoted to fight the counterfeit businesses, the fakes markets and any kind of adulteration potentially causing a threat to customers. We fight this battle empowering both manufacturers and final customers with a full set of easy-to-use and easy-to-implement tools. Any kind of smartphone can become the most powerful weapon to win this battle.

Dino Sergiano
Us Here

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