Export Day 2018 in Milan

Today Validactor participated to the Export Day 2018 organized by ANIMA Confindustria Meccanica Varia in Milan. "It has been an interesting opportunity to meet purchasers from different part of the world. We had the chance to present our IoT Solution to a vast number of foreign companies with excellent feedback" Said Dino Sergiano one of the company founders. "these opportunity are vital for us, they allow us to meet and discuss the needs of manufacturing companies from different parts of the world" Added Mr. Sergiano.


Validactor “Protects, Profiles & Tracks”.

Based on a secure serialization technology, Validactor protects products and brands, fights any form of counterfeiting and profiles customers’ spending habits.
An innovative close-to-the-customer loyalty program promotes a series of activities and incentivises focusing to build brand loyalty.
The Validactor’s offering includes advanced customer services, a sales portal and Big Data related activities. Many other features are also integrated, such as a flexible and customizable database, the unique “Lost&Found” function, a Recall Management tool, Product Statuses and Diversions.

The Validactor’s solutions are fully customizable to be used in any vertical market, regardless of the products’ type. No special hardware or costly training sessions are needed. Validactor tools can be quickly mastered so that companies can start protecting their products in a very short timeframe.

Validactor’s collected data can be used for a wide range of marketing and sales activities, including specifically targeted interactive videos based on real data.

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