rel="canonical" On the Road to the Silk Way: Singapore 2017 | Anti-counterfeit and Product Serialization Services

On the Road to the Silk Way: Singapore 2017

On 21-23 November Validactor participated at the Italian Innovation Days in Singapore to meet with prospect ASEAN and Chinese Distributors.
singaValiThe Italian Innovation days held at The Fullerton Hotel in Singapore, has been organised by The Italian Trade Agency with the aim of strengthening initiatives to promote advanced technologies, research and innovation in foreign markets.
"We at Validactor thank ITA - The Italian Trade Agency - for inviting us to participate and have the possibility to meet several prospect distributors for the ASEAN area and Mainland China" Said Dino Sergiano, Company strategist and Growth Manager.
"China and South East Asia are key markets for anti-counterfeit solutions to be implemented with easiness and security. The immense market opportunity offered by approximately 1.8 billion customers is second to none in the entire world. Validactor considers these markets as priority #1 and looks forward formalizing in a short timeframe distribution agreements with the companies that will be able to better serve customers in such areas" Continued Mr. Sergiano, "we are confident that we will be operative in the region quite soon"
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A special thank goes to the entire team of ITA Singapore and to its Manager Mr. Leonardo Radicati and to the Italian Ambassador in Singapore Mr. Raffaele Langella who invited the entire mission to a 100 %Italian banquet at his personal residence.

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